

The “Human Rights Documents” system (1998-1999) is trilingual - in Armenian, English and Russian, and consists of the following sections: Documents of the Republic of Armenia, International Documents, Armenian-Russian-English Dictionary of Human Rights Concepts (179 concepts). This project is made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State (BECA) and is administered by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX).

The “RA Documents” section consists of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the laws of the Republic of Armenia on human rights (in Armenian - 130, in Russian - 109, in English - 4). The international documents ratified by the Republic of Armenia (44 in total, 5 of which are in full text) are posted in the system.

The “Other Sources” subsection includes articles on human rights. The “International Documents” section includes 120 international law documents (more than 1300 - in English and 5 - in Armenian), 176 judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and a list of 244 CIS multilateral treaties.

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